Kevin Saffer

Guiding Principles

KISS (Keep it simple stupid).

Not an original, I know.  I first learning about this principle in my 5th grade math class from my teacher.  

Side note: she had a lisp so it was particularly memorable when she said it.  I mean that in most genuine and friendly manner.  I don’t remember how she applied this principle to what we were learning, but it has stuck with me.

Life is complex, business can be complex, people are complex.  I try not to introduce unnecessary complexities into my decisions, my code or my dealings with others.

Be human. Love your pets.

I work with people. I’m friends with people. I do business with people. I enjoy people. 

I joke that I like dogs better more than most people, but I want and need people in my life. Relationships with friends, family, coworkers and starting new relationships with strangers makes me happy.

Get outdoors.

I mean this literally, but it represents something so much greater.  I love nature, quite, alone time, beauty, solitude, being alone with my thoughts and the opportunity to totally disconnect from work, friends, family and technology.

Make stuff.

I love making stuff.  Not just software.  I’ve completed a lot of DIY home projects.  I’ve built computers.  I’m an amateur photographer (very amateur).  I was an avid sketch artist and painter when I was younger.  I have new product ideas all the time, currently, MYOG products.  Don’t know what that is you can google it (

Never stop learning.

This seems to get harder and harder as I get older.  Not the learning part, making time focus on it.  When I do find the time or the focus and I set my mind on understanding something new I feel invigorated and enthusiastic for what’s next.